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VLSI CAD Class Videos

1386/11/08 - intro (download swf file 36MB)

1386/11/13 - Alg, Asymptotic notations, graph data structures (download swf file 42MB)

1386/11/15 recorded outside class - STL, binary search (download swf file 22MB) 30 minutes only.

1386/11/21 - no class

1386/11/23 - DFS, BFS (download swf file 47MB)

1386/11/28 - Dijkstra (download swf file 35 MB)

1386/11/30 - Minimum spanning tree (download swf file 33MB)

1386/12/05 - no class
1386/12/07 - no class
1386/12/12 - no class

1386/12/14 - Proof of correctness: Dijkstra+Prim, Partitioning (KL) NOTE: no sound :( (download swf file 3.8MB)

1386/12/19 - FM, FMTrace (download swf file)

1386/12/21 - FM hyperedges, hMetis (download swf file 51MB)

1386/12/21 - Floorplanning: slicing tree, sizing (download swf file 36MB) makeup session (for 86/11/21)

11- 1387/01/18 - Floorplanning: slicing tree, polish exp, annealing (download swf file 112MB)

12- 1387/01/20 - pathPart paper, floorplanning (polish exp moves, annealing cost) (download swf file 96MB)

13- 1387/02/01 - non-slicing floorplans (seq pair, corner-block list) (download swf file 66MB)

14- 1387/02/03 - corner block list, placement (download the swf file 112MB)

15- 1387/02/10 - placement slides (download the swf file 24MB)

16 - 1387/02/15 - uArch paper, placement slides (video lost!)

17 - 1387/02/17 - beku, peko, multiPart papers (swf file 28MB)

18 - 1387/02/22 - quad (swf file 23MB)

19 - 1387/02/24 - PowerFP, force-dir placement (swf file 34MB)

20 - 1387/02/29 - mPG, fastFP (swf file 23MB)

21 - 1387/02/31 - gridWarp, 3dPlc, vanGin (swf file 30MB) Ehsan's presentation:Three-dimensional Place and Route for FPGAs

22 - 1387/03/05 - fastPlc, high-level synthesis slides (swf file 46MB)

23 - 1387/03/07 - high level synth, van ginn part2, clustering (swf file 23MB)

24 - 1387/03/12 - Density plc, ppff, routing (swf file 46MB)

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