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Useful Links

VLSI Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Useful Links

STL Tutorials / Links

  • Jiang Hu's STL slides.
  • SGI's Standard Template Library (click on the "Index" link. "Table of contents" is very useful too). I'd suggest going to the Table of Contents and reading the Intro, Vectors, Lists, and then in Sec. 4, read the intro to Iterators, and then Trivial Iterators. Also, in the Index page of STL's main page, look up the "find" and "for_each" functions. MSDN library help (below) has examples of STL class usages.

Presentation Guidelines

Time Complexity and Asymptotic Notations

Algorithms and Visualization

IC Fabrication Process Visualization

  • Berkeley's SIMPLer (click on the SIMPL-er link): generates cross-sections of IC chips given a fabrication process.
    To run the applet, choose "CMOS Inverter" from the listbox, and press "Start", and finally the "Caclulate Cross-Section" button. You can use the horizontal scroll bar to navigate through different stages of fabrication and press "Caclulate Cross-Section" to see the result.


Slides and Course Material

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